Building a Polargraphic Plotter (a Drawbot)
Ever since I saw a post about a drawbot on Hackaday I’ve been wanting to build my own. A quick search of drawbot or plotterbot or polargraphic plotter will lead you to plenty of youtube videos and...
View ArticlePolargraphic plotter – parts and pieces
I’ve decided to use an Eggbot control board, the EiBotBoard, to drive my polar plotter. Not for any particularly wonderful reason. The board costs right at $50, which is the cost of an Arduino uno R3...
View ArticlePolargraphic Plotter – printing the motor mounts
I just finished printing both motor mounts for my work-in-progress Polargraphic Plotter / Drawbot / Plotterbot. I decided on these motor mounts on Thingiverse. They fit a NEMA 17 motor and they looked...
View ArticleDrawbot update
Not a huge amount of progress on my drawbot but I’ve stumbled across a couple interesting ideas I want to capture as part of this build stream. I have printed a gondola and a couple spools. I printed...
View ArticleDrawbot electronics – test driving the EiBotBoard (EggBotBoard)
As mentioned in an earlier post I have decided to use the Eggbot control board (EiBotBoard) to drive my drawbot. I’ve gotten the electronics up and running, mostly just plug it in, screw down the...
View ArticleDrawbot software – first pass bits and pieces
I mentioned in an earlier post I had found a video on youtube of someone else using an EggBotBoard to drive a drawbot. That was pretty exciting because most of the drawbots out there (and maybe we’ll...
View ArticleDrawbotWilba uploaded to github
I’ve taken Wilba6582’s eggbot drawbot code and cleaned it up enough to build under Processing 2.0. It requires grabbing the latest controlP5 library and I’ve removed the gamepad control. I haven’t...
View ArticleDrawbotWilba update
I’ve combed through enough of Wilba’s code to understand the fundamentals. I’ve done some cleanup and added comments and a bit of debugging functionality. I’ve uploaded the latest updates to github....
View ArticleDrawbotOne – mounting the parts
Progress is being made on the hardware. The motors are mounted, the EggBot controller board is mounted, new spools are printed and installed. Here is the overall mounting scheme so far I ended up...
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